- 1 in 5 US adults identify as caregivers
- (53 million or 21.3% of US adults)
- Average caregiver age is 50.1 years old.
- 10% are enrolled in college or other classes
- 89% are taking care of a relative
- 10% of grandparents are taking care of one or more grandchildren
- 40% live with the person they care for full time
- 24% care for 2 or more people
- 27% help someone with a mental illness
- 60% of caregivers work full or part time
- 30% of caregivers also live with a child or grandchild
- 36 billion hours of unpaid care. $470 billion of free labor.
Common Stressors
- Little to no personal time
- Family discord with care recipient as well as other members of the family
- 14% are more likely to report high difficulty finding affordable services
- Dealing with complex emotions
- 21% of caregivers taking care of a person with mental illness are more likely to feel high emotional stress themselves
- 1/3 of those caring for people with bipolar disorder report significant symptoms of depression
- Not living up to your own expectations
- 11% say they didn’t receive any training for the job
- Cultural expectations
- 7% of caregivers feel they have been discriminated against at work because of their role
Administration for Community Living
Mental Health America
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