I have a wonderful dental office that I have been to several times. The first time I was invited to come and teach, I asked, as I usually do, if they had an AED. The dentist was so proud that he had one and brought it out to show the staff. I said we would go over the specifics of that AED at the end of class. But I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, that there was something wrong. I stopped and opened the back cover and, sure enough, there was no battery! Fortunately, he did have a battery, it just hadn’t been installed. The AED then proceeded to go through its self check and it was good to go. Fast forward to this year’s renewal. When I arrived, they were asking about their AED and the noise that it was making. Yep. It was trying to tell them that it was in need of new pads and batteries. Then they bought new batteries but needed some help installing them. I made a phone call to walk them through the process. Next I brought new AED pads out personally to make sure that they were installed correctly and double checked that the batteries were installed correctly.
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