Marijuana is being found to have many medical uses, such as, for pain and post traumatic stress. With it becoming more and more accessible, we must look at the possibility that children will gain access to it. We are seeing this with the opioid epidemic we are experiencing across the nation. Many opioids are prescribed legally, and are in the home, especially if they are not used up. If parents and caregivers do not restrict access from children, they can become very ill. Vigilance and prevention are key. Keep ALL medicines out of the reach of children and teach them about medicines. As the parent of children with medical needs, I find that it is extremely important to talk to kids. Tell them what they are taking and why. If they see you taking something, talk to them about what it is. Tell them why we have to be careful, and why the medicines are out of their reach. If a child likes the taste of a medicine, and we do not talk to them about what it is, they will think of it as candy and want more. Here are just a couple of articles related to Marijuana:
Marijuana May Help Ease Nerve Pain
ER Rates Soar as Toddlers Ingest Pot, French Study Finds
And about opioids:
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